Assured Supervision Accountability Program wishes you a very safe Mardi Gras!

Assured Supervision Accountability Program wishes you a very safe Mardi Gras!
The Assured Supervision VPP is an interactive "watch dog" designed to protect victims in a way that not only protects their home, but it also protects the victim's location, no matter where they are! Our mobile protection zone capabilities combined with our full arrest powers for all offenders released on bail, ensures that victims have the greatest level of protection.
There is no other program available that compares to the Assured Supervision Victim Protection Program (VPP).
The Assured Supervision HIP/Curfew Supervision Program uses state of the art ankle-worn equipment to continuously track the GPS and cellular location of the wearer. Our full arrest powers for those released on bail ensure compliance with all court orders. Our enforcement team continuously monitors all alerts and reports all actions to the court. Our Association Offender Management System is the doorway into true accountability. Our enforcement team can file real-time violation reports, activate, de-activate offenders, update court ordered conditions, and much more. This Offender Management System makes the Assured Supervision Program the single most accountable solution available to the criminal justice system. The Assured Supervision Program offers 2 types of ankle worn GPS devices.
The Assured Supervision Program's ASP provides the court choices in the type and level of monitoring and supervision for those who are charged with or serving a sentence for an alcohol-related crime. ASAP can supervise individuals, real time with full arrest powers, those offenders released on bail.
The Assured Supervision Program no longer uses SCRAM equipment.
SCRAM is not compliant with Act 746 requirements for the purposes of GPS tracking.
Positives of the SCRAM device is the
Negatives of the SCRAM device is the
Positives of the OSM Outreach program
Negatives of the OSM Outreach program
Ensuring no person is stuck in jail simply because they cannot afford their bail by
providing accountable solutions that protect public safety while promoting personal responsibility.
This is our Payment processing line. Call us here to make a payment over the phone. Or ask us about our other forms of accepted payments.
This is our number to call to enroll and dis-enroll offenders. This is also the place to get answers to questions. Enrolled offenders must text the enforcement text line.
This is the Enforcement text line. This is the number for all enrolled who are required to communicate with case managers prior to travel. THIS IS A TEXT LINE ONLY
All "approved by the court" requests for changes to orders from the court must be in writing and emailed to us at Ypour lawyer must get them approved. All requests must be approved by the judge assigned to your case. If you have paperwork we need, send it to Don't forget the have your attorney ask the judge for approval.